Repair Café

Visitor Information

What is a Repair Café?

Repair Cafés are free meeting places that are all about repairing things together. Visitors bring their broken items from home and together with the specialists on-site they start making their repairs in the Repair Café. It's an ongoing learning process.

Visit for more information on Repair Cafés around the world or feel free to contact us for further information about our Repair Café at or

What can I bring to the Repair Café?

You can bring things like:

  • Electrical appliances
  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Crockery
  • Housewares
  • Bicycles
  • Toys

Note: If your repair requires replacement parts please bring the parts with you. Please also note that there is no guarantee that items will be fixed. 

When is it?

The Repair Café takes place on Saturday September 28th from 12-4pm, we hope to see you there! 

How much does it cost to participate in the Repair Café?

Advice and help from our specialists is free of charge but a voluntary donation to the Friends of High River Library is appreciated. 

Do I have to fix something? What if I don't have anything to fix?

If you don't have anything to fix then you are more than welcome to drop-in to spend some time with fellow community members, have a cup of coffee or read some of the DIY materials we have prepared and get inspired to fix!

Volunteer Information

What should I bring?

If you are registered as a volunteer you will need to bring tools for your type of repair, your signed disclaimer form, as well as any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that you might need (such as eye protection, gloves, etc.). Please also bring your expertise and a willingness to help!

What time should I arrive?

Set-up will begin at 11am and the doors will be open at 12pm. Please arrive before 12 and be ready to repair by 12. If you can come early to help with set-up it would be appreciated!